The Coveted & Infamous Panama Hat

I needed it…I needed it bad…

Typically when I travel I stay attentive for that piece of art that will stop me in my tracks. A piece of art (typically street art) that I have a love at first sight exchange with, where it calls my name and reaches my soul.  A piece of art that is an extension of my character and it embodies…well me!

But because I am not ‘travelling’ exactly…technically I am just living regular life abroad.  A regular day by day experience….working and in my spare time exploring my surroundings. I just happen to be doing it in a different venue every couple months.

So when I left Canada, I swore that I wasn’t going to be buying stuff…mostly because it won’t fit in my suitcase, but also because I am not sure where I will end up anyway and I don’t want to be burdened with stuff. (Except my art, I will never get rid of those pieces I have collected)

Now I am a Tourist

A Full Fledged Tourist

I always knew about this infamous Panama Hat.  I didn’t know that it is actually from Ecuador…funny (but brief story) While the Panama hat is an icon of Panama and a perfect souvenir because they are both practical and stylist.

The Panama hat has been around for over 100 years. Theodore Roosevelt proudly sported a Panama hat upon returning from Panama in 1906 when he visited to check in on the progress of the construction of the Panama Canal.

Even though the hat is made in Ecuador and is actually solely from there…because Teddy returned from Panama with it…it became known as the Panama Hat.

While my hat only cost $45 USD…the most expensive Panama Hat ever sold was worth $100,000.  I very badly wanted to buy a Fedora hat too…they had soooo many super rad colours and for $10, but they were too big for my head. hehehe (go figure)

Now You Know!

El Palacio Del Sombrero

The address on Google Maps says: Calle 4a Oeste, Panamá

But the store was located on the corner of Avenida Central @ Calle 4a Oeste.

This is one of the most reasonably priced places…and they have a full range of hats from all prices and qualities, there is sure to be a hat that fits your budget and style.
My hat was $45 USD