Panama City

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Activating Your Claro Card

Activating Your Claro Card

This ‘how-to’ may come in handy in case you need some help activating your pre paid Super Pack for Claro in Panama. I keep forgetting. LOL

Heroes and Villains! Who is Who?

Heroes and Villains! Who is Who?

Heroes and Villains! Who is Who? Can the heroes for one side be the villains for another? Interesting how one event can have two stories depending on the who is telling it.

I am on the edge of finding it

I am on the edge of finding it

Taking the plunge and heading out on a highly experimental journey. Disrupt the status quo and see what happens, see who you find yourself to be, because where ever you go…there you are!

Real Talk: Panama’s Beer

Real Talk: Panama’s Beer

Real Talk: Panama just keeps upping the ante. First you’re gorgeous, then you’re sophisticated, now your beer is amazing? You’re a triple threat my friend.

What is happening?

What is happening?

What Is Happening in Panama? I am charmed and I have a daily dose of ecstatic admiration for Panama, for Panama City, for Panamanian people and for all those who traveled here, were also hypnotized and had to stay.