On the road again

Day 87: Dear Diary…

I am just a few days shy of 90 days…that’s 3 months of this experimental journey and so far…I am enchanted with my life, where I have been, who I have met, what I have seen.

I have no plans to turn back. I had originally set out with the plan to do this for a one year trial and see what happens.

Of course there are many moments of nostalgia that pluck at the heart strings. For example, when my kidlet sends me pictures and videos of our crazy Meatball Margo. (That’s her dog by the way).

A massive Mastiff Rottweiler Cross that weighs in at well over 100lbs. That giant dork definitely brings sentimental pains in my heart.

When I left it was like pulling off a band-aid.  My kid and I have lived together for 22 years and in a matter of weeks she moved into her first and very own apartment, was a full time mother to the meatball and I was off on a plane.

I mean, it’s not all rough and tough for her…she has my brand new car, lives in a house my great friends own, she is surrounded by a plethora of my friends and of course she has full time security patrol with the dog and the neighbourhood upstairs is a police woman with her own dog. The kid is well taken care of.

Then there is me…

What’s Next

Here I come Coronado

So I have booked a ride to Coronado, luggage in tow.  I am going to spend two weeks soaking up the beach life.  

I have a rented the cutest little casita that has a pool space and a backyard so I can’t wait to live and work in that laid back location.  Aside from a day trip to El Valle…the next two weeks will be pretty laid back and chill.  

Just working, living and loving life with a pool and next to the beach. OH did I mention that weekend quarantine is lifted this weekend? That means, no more restrictions on weekends. Stay tuned…and you will find out where I am off to after Coronado.  

For those that know me…there is no surprise for you, but I do have my next legs of the journey planned out until June 4th. HAHAHA. I will give you a hint…I am going land locked.  boo hoo…as I head into the end of April there will be no ocean in sight for a short while. But that’s 7 weeks away still, so more on that later.

Please note that I have not received these products for free or at a discounted price in exchange for my opinion.  There may be links that are affiliate links but at the time of posting this review, I have not received any monetary kickbacks.