There is Power in Art

Whether you create it or consume it

The arts hit me like a ton of bricks….musical expression, visual arts, performing arts…I consume them like an addict. When the music moves me, it moves me soul. When the art makes me smile, I smile with my heart and when the performing arts are so theatrical it literally makes me move forward in my seat and sit on the edge.

After two months in Cartagena, I feel like this city is a giant artistic canvas and every soul that has lived in Cartagena has contributed with a small piece of their story. Even street art was commissioned to commemorate a homeless man that was an iconic staple in the Getsemani neighbourhood…the people’s stories are literally written on the walls.

Everywhere you go there is vibrant colour, music in the neighbourhoods, dancing in the streets and the aroma of food made with love is ever present in the air.

There is a mystical realism that lives here in the history and the legends and you can’t help but to be consumed by it and melt into an existence that is just simple put…a bona fide true to life experience sprinkled with a magical alchemy of heart and soul.

I feel colour differently now

Art allows us to lose ourselves and find ourselves

One time someone asked me what colour I wanted for this water bottle filter I was buying…and I said….”Colour? I love colour…if it’s bright then it’s right.” LOL I meant it.

I think that Cartagena is a city that embraces that theory…”Colour? If it’s bright it’s right!”.  Cartagena is a city that guards the secrets of its history in its walls and balconies, its buildings and its narrow, cobbled streets…but if you listen…those secrets are shared among friends and family.

Time To Say Adios

Next Stop…Panama

It’s definitely with a cornucopia of feelings that I say goodbye to Cartagena. At times when I was entering my second month I felt like committing to two months was a mistake and too much time…but then there are days when you stand in a strangers window yelling ‘buenas’ inside asking for a homemade popsicle and you feeling like it is exactly perfect again.

Now the day has come and I am heading to Panama for two months and after that…it’s a secret for now…all you need to know is there will be an ‘after that’.

Cartagena, Colombia…It was worth it

Jackelyn Approved

Please note that I have not received these products for free or at a discounted price in exchange for my opinion.  There may be links that are affiliate links but at the time of posting this review, I have not received any monetary kickbacks.