Healthy Choices for the Whole Family

My dog is turning 9 years old soon and she has eaten TLC Pet Food her whole life and let me tell you, she loves her dog food.Ā  There are so many good things about this brand, of course most importantly, it is a healthy choice for my McLovin (not featured in the image above).Ā  I will tell you how I came across this pet food and why I was sold from the start.

A long time ago, when I was considering bringing a pet into the family, a friend had a Black Lab.Ā  Now, Labs are notorious for having course hair, but their Lab’s hair was soft.Ā  I am talking ridiculously soft. Naturally, I had to ask how that could be.Ā  My friend swore by the dog food they were feeding their dog.

Learning How To Read

I did some research and I learned how to read a dog food label.Ā  I compared many many brands and I discovered that TLC Pet Food was better (in my opinion and based on my research) than many of the well known brands out there. Not only was the product a healthier option, the company also uses recycled packaging and the food bag is recyclable, AND they offer FREE SHIPPING.Ā  Dog food bags are heavy and inconvenient, so the fact that they deliver to my apartment door = heck yes please!

So, when I brought McLovin into the family we gave TLC Dog Food a try.

If you have ever met McLovin, she is hands down, unequivocally soft. Whenever strangers stop to pet her it is one of the three things that EVERYONE says.

  1. No way she is turning 9
  2. WOW, she is sooo soft
  3. HAHA, her name is McLovin, classic

More Reasons to Choose TLC Pet Food

  1. Pet foods can sit for months in warehouses and on store shelves until you have to lug them home. TLC Pet Food cuts out everyone in the middle and delivers the food, that is only days old, directly to you.
  2. They use their own delivery vehicles and couriers.Ā  Their website says that your order will arrive within 7 business days, but for me, often I receive my order within 2 days of purchasing online.
  3. You can sign up for Auto shipping, which means if you forget that you are running low and forgot to order, they have you covered.Ā  You choose how often you need a shipment and schedule it.Ā  Magical!
  4. They have your dog, cat and puppy covered and even have dog treats.
  5. Did I mention it’s so healthy and natural
  6. I could go on and on…
Hi, I am Mclovin

Hi, I am Mclovin. This wasn’t my bath, I stole it when no one was looking.Ā  My baths don’t normally have bubbles.

One last note…

McLovin has sensitivities to food and has allergies.Ā  It took me a long time to figure out why she would break out in skin rashes and chronic ear infections.Ā  I even did try changing her food twice in her life.Ā  She would even randomly vomit at night and I couldn’t figure it out until she had an unfortunate encounter with some pizza that ended up in a life and death situation.Ā  She fell deathly ill and spent a few days in the hospital.Ā  Luckily she was ok, but since that day, I cut out every thing that wasn’t her dog food, even treats.Ā  (Trust me, she loves her food and we use it as treats too, she is a happy girl). Since then, she hasn’t had an ear infection or a skin irritation.Ā  TLC Pet Food For Life!

So, thank you TLC for loving my girl as much as I do.

(Click the bags to order today)

Natural Dog Food
Natural Puppy Food
Natural Cat Food
Natural Dog Biscuits

$5 Off TLC Pet Food

Please note that I have not received these products for free or at a discounted price in exchange for my opinion.Ā  There may be links that are affiliate links but at the time of posting this review, I have not received any monetary kickbacks.